
List of openly available databases:

 BIPMed – The Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine (BIPMed) is an initiative of five Research Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) supported by FAPESP.

 ABraOM – Online Archive of Brazilian Mutations – This variant repository contains genomic variants of Brazilians.

 Argentina DNA Variant Database – Dr. Angela Solano (HVP node Argentina)

ChileGenomico: Is a scientific project that aims to produce the first systematic characterization of the genome(s) in the Chilean population. The project is hosted by the University of Chile and is funded by FONDEF.  To go directly to the database click here.

Mexican Node of the Human Variome: The Mexican node of the human variome represents an effort to gather the changes in DNA discovered in the Mexican population and its consequences for the detection and prevention of diseases, as well as for the development of precision medicine. – Dr. Augusto Rojas-Martinez and Dr. Rocío Ortíz López